Cycling to Syria

It was only two weeks into the ride that I realised that my phone battery could handle running Strava all day. Some days I forgot to start the clock, some days I forgot to stop it, but here is a vague day-by-day record of our ride.

There are about ten maps per page, so click through for more. (And allow 30s for the page to come back from space with all the maps!)


We left from New Cross on 1 May 2016 and cycled with friends as far as Rochester before spending the first night in our tent on a very windy hill. We failed to launch a Chinese lantern into the dark and stormy sky, but the fire was warming.

The next day we cycled to stay with David Robert, editor of Cycling World magazine, in Whitstable. After a chat with a No Borders-supporting painter, we made our way to Dover and had a much more successful campfire on the cliffs overlooking the Channel.



Go to page two for Germany and beyond!