- Get a YouTube account: http://www.youtube.com. Apparently other video sites exist, but I’m going with the market leader – why not? Assuming this isn’t going to be a magnum opus (YouTube is limited to 10 minutes) – just get it up and get it out there.
- Download a free lump of software, like this one: http://www.aquasoft.de/SlideShowYouTube_en.as?ActiveID=2124
This is not a perfect piece of kit. Every now and again it will do funny things and time-slip your video. Live with it: it’s free and easy. - Choose a topic for your documentary.
- Do a ton of research on your topic.
- Write a script.
- Search Wikimedia Commons for pictures relating to your topic and download them.
- Throw them into the SlideShow software. In some logical order please.
- Record your script with a microphone and Audacity (another free lump of software: http://audacity.sourceforge.net/)
- Edit and mess around with your sound file until it sounds good. Don’t worry about perfect, we’re happy with good.
- Export it as an MP3 file (you’ll need to download the MP3 Codecs for Audacity to do this bit.)
- Throw it into the SlideShow software.
- Make sure the pictures line up with your vocals nicely and that there are no ridiculous transitions (like the photo of your grandma doing a somersault whilst you talk about her hip replacement.)
- Upload the bugger to your YouTube account.
- Check SlideShow hasn’t done something very odd. If it has, mess around until you fluke upon the right timing.
- Publicise your baby.