Welcome to your fourteenth weekend of the year.
What are you going to do with it?
What have you done with your weekends so far this year? Could you do better?
For a lot of people, weekends are sacrosanct. It’s our only chance to sleep late, our only chance to switch off, to meet up with friends for longer than a quick pint.
But it’s also the only chance we get to seize the day for ourselves. The weekend holds no obligations (if you’re lucky…) – no deadlines, no schedules, no timetables. Anything could happen today and tomorrow – anything.
You could find yourself halfway up a mountain by lunchtime.
You could be swimming in that loch in the sunshine.
You could start writing a novel.
You could buy a guitar and sing crazy songs about musical body parts.
You could help your neighbours with their shopping.
You could bake a cake for your nan.
But remember: after this one, you’ve only got another 39 left – and one of those is New Year’s Eve.
Make the most of them. Make the most of this weekend.