In 2008, I was struggling with over sleeping so I decided to challenge myself to wake up at dawn every day for 40 days.
Rather than simply getting up and getting on with my day, I made sure that I got out on long walks around the areas I was living at the time (London and Oxfordshire).
On these early morning rambles I learnt a lot – especially when, halfway through the experiment, I was diagnosed with an underactive thyroid. So THAT’S why I was sleeping too much!
Anyway, here’s the gallery: one photo from each dawn witnessed during my Krakadorn project, 9th April 2008 – 18th May 2008.
My dad is an early riser and his birthday was only three days after the end of my experiment. So I printed out all the photos and stuck them in a massive frame for him. He said it was the best present he’d ever received!
3 thoughts on “40 Photos of the Krakadorn”