We’ve been in the writers rooms for Foiled and we record next Saturday so I’ve spent most of the week staring at a computer screen and laughing.
To the untrained eye, there really is very little discernable difference between writing comedy and insanity.
It’s hard to explain what’s so great about the Foiled writers rooms, but I’m not exaggerating when I say they are my favourite two days of the year.
I suppose, imagine that you’re buckles deep in the hardest part of your job, with only two weeks until the deadest of deadlines. Then imagine that your supervisor pays for six specialists to come in and work on your project with you for two days.
There’s no element of competition, everyone wants the best for the project and, ultimately, it’s still your name on the project.
Wouldn’t that be cool?
So the next 8 days will be spent trying to sift what was just funny in the room from what might actually be funny on the radio.
I’m sure these last 8 days will still get stressful, but it’s a whole lot less stressful for us now, knowing exactly what needs to change, and with a carnival of suggestions on how.
There’s also not much better feeling than having a roomful of professional comedians laugh at something you wrote. Imposter syndrome is fading…