New Year Resolution: I’m not going to use supermarkets during the whole month of January.
For me, that’s quite a big deal. I am accustomed to going to my local Sainsbury’s at least four or five times a week, sometimes just for the walk or the simple pleasure of picking up a value bag of sultanas.
Well, no more. From the 1st of January I pledge not to purchase a single thing from any supermarket, be it Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Asda, Lidl, Aldi, Costcutter, Iceland, Netto, M&S, Waitrose, Morrisons – or any of the other behemoths that bestride our consumer culture.
- I don’t like being too dependent on anything – and supermarkets definitely fall into that bracket of dependency at the moment.
- I fancy seeing a bit more of the world – or my local community at least.
- It’s embarrassing coming home with a pile of plastic-wrapped food of dubious quality.
- Somewhere inside me there’s a vague sense of unease surrounding the operation and supply tactics of supermarkets.
- I guess it will support local economy a little bit.
- It might be a good way to meet more people in my community.
- It might be cheaper, you never know.
- It might help me eat better, you never know.
- It might reduce impulse buying of sultanas.
- It’s something to write about!
The Toothpaste Test
At the moment my shelves are looking pretty bare so I’m looking forward to getting stuck into the wonderful (so I’m told) markets in my local area. But, to be honest, I’m a little concerned about where to find toothpaste. I know I can get toothpaste at pretty much any corner-shop or mini-mart, but Sainsbury’s toothpaste is about £0.30 or something ridiculous. I like that: it’s good value.
The thing is, I’d like to turn this experiment into a long-term life choice, but I’m not going to cut off my nose to spite my face. Sourcing affordable, minty toothpaste could well turn into the acid test of my No Supermarket January. Wish me luck.